This form is to collect the Induction review from the Learners. This form will capture what was included as part of Induction, how well informed it was and if the Learner understands what they achieve by end of the program
Explanation RAG Approach to Three-Way Review Process
The quality or level of progress is significantly below the described skill, knowledge or behavioural area. This could impact on the ability of the learner to achieve milestones in their learning agreement and ultimately prevent completion of the Apprenticeship (End Point Assessment for Standards).
The employer and or provider will need to spend more time and effort supporting development of this area, be it knowledge, skills or behaviours as well as opportunities to demonstrate technical competencies. The Apprentice will need to respond to existing or new support in order to address the gap in progress. An action plan should be agreed and factored into the learning agreement.
This means that the Apprentice, the employer and provider need to keep a watchful eye, but not to a large extent. The red colour is when you need to intervene in the situation. An amber colour might not warrant a specific action plan.
An amber situation might result in lower quality of learning, or a known, but manageable delay in meeting learning milestones agreed in the Apprentices Learning Agreement. Any problems with the Apprentices experiences in work or understanding in the educational setting can be fixed relatively quickly through good communication and some redirection of effort. In these cases, a greater quality of outcome should be achievable, and efforts should also manage any risk of slipping into a red situation.
The Apprentice and their support network do not need to have any concern about the rate and direction of progress with regards to the knowledge, skill or behaviour in question. If this is a technical competence, then the necessary experiences and learning are taking place in line with anticipated timescales in the Learning Agreement. The Apprentices should feel appropriately confident about achieving the necessary learning to meet this aspect of the Apprenticeship Framework or standard as required by the Apprenticeship (Specification / Gateway Programme / End Point Assessment)
It is always worth keeping an eye on the accuracy of the green, making sure it’s a true green.