Declaration by employer regarding apprenticeship(s)

We declare that the following apprentices (please list all names):
1. Have been ordinarily resident in the UK for the last three years1;
2. Are eligible to work in the UK;
3. Work in England for at least 50% of their working hours;
4. Work under a contract of service that is not expected to terminate before the planned end of the apprentice’s period of apprenticeship (including End-Point Assessment);
5. Are paid through PAYE by ourselves or a connected company (as defined by HMRC);
6. Either have no additional needs eligible for funding under the Apprenticeship funding rules, or that those needs have been separately identified and communicated to Cherith Simmons Learning and Development LLP;
7. Has a valid Apprenticeship Agreement (the legal contract between Employer and Apprentice) in place;
8. Understand that their Apprenticeship programme will last more than one year;
9. Are expecting to spend at least 6 working-time hours a week engaged in off-the-job training throughout the duration of their apprenticeship2.
Signed for and on behalf of (name of employer) of (address of registered office)

1 Rules 1 and 2 may be waived only in certain circumstances, e.g., apprentice is an Asylum Seeker. Please contact your Client Services Manager if you are unable to make this declaration for any of the apprentices listed.

2 Or such hours as have been otherwise agreed – e.g., reduced pro-rata for those working under 30 hours a week but where the programme duration has therefore been extended to ensure the full number of required off-the-job training hours are completed.